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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • Techno-somatics and physical experience - Memory on the Internet - Our ears open a whole world to us: about the experiment to program an exhibition on a vinyl record
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • [12] S., 29,5x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • ‘Curated by Weekly’ is a digital art project. It aims to raise questions regarding online formats, web-based distribution and the acceleration of digital platforms in contemporary art. The project is made up of a website and a magazine, which will be released in irregular intervals. The latter will include essays and interventions about digital exhibition formats, the experiences of digital curation and the questions about media and matter in the post-analogue space. Every week, an artwork will be “curated” and published on the website. In cooperation with different individuals, institutions and independent projects from the art field, artistic positions and works will be displayed. They can function as pieces of art in the digital sphere as well as be critical about it, or to contrast itself with the functions of the web. The project’s pace and composition orientates itself around the relevant visual environment of the present day.
    The format of the website is consciously purely visual, while complementary content will be published in the magazine. This content will consist of essays and contributions around certain questions. For example: How new formats will be established in contemporary art, which technological tools are required or how curation is practiced in a digital space. What should particularly be highlighted is determining which artistic media, surfaces and materialities provide an adequate digital environment.
    'Curated by Weekly' aims for an experimental format, which uses the speed and the possibilities of the digital space, but instead of reproductions and documentations we want to show artistic work itself, to address availability in the digital space and to use catchy visual surfaces. At the same time, the discourse and the self-reflection of the format is discussed in the appearing magazines/readers online and offline.
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Wimmer Karin, Hrsg.: TONI WIRTHMÜLLER - KERNZONE / ROT #Urfeld-M, 2023


Wimmer Karin, Hrsg.: TONI WIRTHMÜLLER - KERNZONE / ROT #Urfeld-M, 2023

Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 1 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Ausstellung von Toni Wirthmüller, 22.11.2023-27.01.2024 in der Galerie von Karin Wimmer in der Amalienstraße 14 in München.
    Raumgreifende Assemblagen sind im Werk des Künstlers nicht neu, diese finden sich in seinen Arbeiten bereits seit den 1990er Jahren. Die speziell für den Digital Art Space konzipierte Installation schafft einen begehbaren Bildraum, der durch den alles dominierenden roten Farbton eine wirkmächtige Suggestivkraft entwickelt. Hierbei sind gebrauchte Kleidungsstücke und eine Mixtur aus verschiedenen textilen Stoffen, aber auch aus Papier, Pappe, Holz oder Plastikteilen das Trägermaterial für die Farbgebung. Oft haben diese Objekte auch einen direkten autobiografischen Bezug zum Künstler.
    Zur Eröffnung präsentieren in kongenialer Kooperation dazu die von Wirthmüller eigens eingeladenen „Special Guests“ Stephanie Müller und Klaus Erika Dietl, aka Mediendienst Leistungshölle, ihren Episodenfilm „Elegie einer Elefantin*“ (20.12.2023 18 Uhr).
    Handyfoto von Hubert Kretschmer
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  • Legible – Visible - Between the Film Frame and the Page
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 92 S., 24x18 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788494423437
  • Katalog erschienen zur Ausstellung in Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, 06.04.-28.05.2017
    Legible-Visible. Between the Film Frame and the Page explores the relationship between print publications and audio-visual documents, two of the most important media underpinning the social and cultural landscape of our time which also define the evolution of contemporary art in the 20th and 21st centuries.
    The emergence of relatively inexpensive home video technologies in the 1970s brought with it an alternative model for the creation and diffusion of artist publications, and a prolific period of exploration, reflected in the work of Baldessari, Gilbert & George, Boltanski, Carrión, Rucha and Rosler, among others. The popularization of digital media at the beginning of the 21st century sparked a revolution in the systems of production of both audio-visuals and books, exemplified by a new generation of artists, such as McGeorge, Kentridge, Cine Quieto or Van Leijsen.
    Mela Dávila proposes a theoretical and historical framework for works that the market long dismissed as secondary on account of their serial nature. This characteristic, together with the particular space of experience they generate, and the linearity and temporality common to both media, have opened up a range of new narrative (or anti-narrative) possibilities which have enabled artists to redefine contemporary art.
    Starting from a detailed study of 24 double works, Maite Muñoz looks at how different artists have taken advantage of the permeability between publications and audio-visuals, in which ideas and strategies of narration and editing intrinsic to both mutually infect and enrich one another through the play of opposition, complementarity and dialectics.
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  • Paper News #11 - August, September, Oktober 2018
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Ein Blatt, gefaltet
  • The independent publisher's quarterly by Drucken Heften Laden. Drucken Heften Laden discusses and analyses the conditions and possi­bili­ties for independent publishing in the context of art and city (politics). Drucken Heften Laden derives from an eponymous exhibition, workshop and series of events at neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) in Berlin which took place in January 2015. Since then a small group of Berlin-based producers and publishers gathers regularly: “We share experiences and resources, and build a discourse around production methods and values as well as the distribution of books and booklets.Publishing is always set in distinct time and space. Today’s diversity of media fosters hybrid formats between the analogue and the digital. We are interested to negotiate and sharpen our idea of what „independent“ and „self“ publishing means today.Drucken Heften Laden filters and disseminates information, and creates a public platform for exchange and discussion, accessible to everyone interested in such practice.”
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naivsuper-cd 011

  • Lightears
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    naivsuper Nr 011, Musik-CD in Papphülle und transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Stephane Leonard
  • recorded in 2007 at the Leo Mars studio.
    ´Lightears´ is the long awaited debut album by Berlin duo Leo Mars. After a year of trial and error, a lot of sessions, sound collecting and analysation of possibilities a precisely crafted, yet astonishingly free floating album came to life. In times of almost infinite sounds, instruments and styles it took the duo some time to come up with the basic material, form a language and then of course learn to speak it. Hours were spent in the studio and their favourite lebanese restaurant discussing the world of sound.
    ´Lightears´ intelligently smudges the borders between a classic drone, an underground noise, a playful improvisation and an old fashion musique concrete record. All the genres fall into place rather unpretentious with pure sound excitingly assembled to challenge ones listening habits.
    It is a rather harsh production always bouncing back and forth between digital, crisp electronics and field recordings pushed way over the edge.
    With minimal gear and set up Leo Mars managed to manoveur themselves somewhere inbetween a bedroom thrashing noise keyboard project and a theoratical paper score composer duo. Performing in a trance - allowing things to happen - awaken - making a conscious decision - slipping back into space
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  • Ludwigskirche 2ter Altar rechts
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 2 S., 10,5x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Zur Präsentation am 17.01.2017 um 19 Uhr, Ludwigskirche 2ter Altar Rechts" 10:05 min, 2016. Flurstraße 2, 12:30 min, 2015, 2016.
    FULLSCREEN is a dynamic curated video art program which supports Munich based digital and media artists. Each month Nir Altman Galerie features one significant video during a special event in the gallery space. In addition the video is screened on the gallery's website during the entire month.
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Koval Oleksiy, Hrsg.: The Beautiful Formula Collective, 2022, 2022


Koval Oleksiy, Hrsg.: The Beautiful Formula Collective, 2022, 2022

  • The Beautiful Formula Collective, 2022
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 104 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783945296998
    Broschur, ungestrichenes Papier, Umschlag Karton
  • Enthält Projekte der Künstlergruppe 2012-2022, u.a. bei Ep.contemporary, Berlin 2022, kuratiert von Albert Coers, Galerie der Künstler, München, 2021, kuratiert von Ezgi Bakçay, und Baris Seyitvan, Karşi Sanat Çalişmalari, Istanbul 2020, kuratiert von Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck und Ezgi Bakçay, Digital Art Space, München, 2019, kuratiert von Karin Wimmer.
    The Beautiful Formula Collective is about painting and creating collective works based on The Beautiful Formula Language. We use the combination of spontaneity, improvisation and logic of rhythm, which gives us structures and rules while painting. The Beautiful Formula Collective produces and stages group works not only in the studio, but also as a live painting performance in front of the public.
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